Statement on Quality Assurance


Briefly, the management hold certain views on Certified Quality Assurance, as follows:

Should G & D Northern Landscaping operate its company similar to some competitors it most definitely would be monitoring its performance via a certified quality assurance programme.

The company management, are hands on managers of the operation and therefore all works which the company produces reflect directly on the integrity and personalities of the Allan and Anne.

tree3anim.gif (3802 bytes)Again unlike its competitors, G & D Northern Landscaping does NOT utilise the resources of trade agencies to obtain workers, skilled or unskilled. The company maintains a team of full time skilled tradesmen who are very aware of their responsibilities to the client and fellow workers alike.

Where workmanship standards are concerned, the management believe that the responsibility to achieve the best quality is the responsibility of the on-site foreman or trades person personally responsible for producing the product. This is achieved by insisting that all foremen are current holders of Queensland Building Services Authority licenses for Structural Landscaping and Brick and Segmental Paving.

It is believed, that in its present state, the Quality Assurance Programme overlooks the personal understanding and ramifications which wrongful on site decision making can effect the total outcome.

tree1anim.gif (3542 bytes)Since G & D Northern Landscaping have adopted a policy of making all employees responsible, the standard of workmanship has improve dramatically.

In support for other areas of quality control, it is believed by the management and employees that all company members should be held accountable for their actions. The principles of ‘Duty of Care’ to clients and work mates are vigorously supported and applied by all.